Monday, December 14, 2009

Show and tell- Unnesessary Instructions

How to Tell Children The Truth About Santa Claus
from eHow
Step 1
Explain to your children that indeed Santa Claus exists, but not in the way that they think. Tell them that he is not a fat jolly man who flies through the air with reindeer & elves. Rather he was a man named St. Nicholas.
Step 2
Tell your children of the traditions of St. Nicholas, and why we do them. For instance, St. Nicholas through bags of money and gold into extremely poor and destitute people's homes through their chimneys. This is why we have stockings. For others without chimneys he left money in their shoes outside their homes. This is why many people around the world do this at Christmas.
Step 3
Explain how St. Nicholas was a strong defender of Christianity, and defended the holy trinity at the council of Nicea. This is truly how "Santa Claus" is related to the birth of Jesus Christ.
Step 4
Tell your children of the generosity and heroic acts of St. Nicholas, and some of the miracles that he performed.
Step 5
Do research on St. Nicholas, so that you can explain to your children all of the wonderful things that the REAL Santa Claus has done. Also research Christmas, and how it was used to combat the pagan solstice which spread Christianity to masses of people.

Its crazy that there are instructions about this. Kids either find out because their parents accidently slip up or a meaner older siblings ruins it for them.

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember how I knew Santa wasn't real. I was about 10 years old and thought it would be cool to ruin it for my step-cousins. I was so mean!
